I.G.C. 3 Month Performance Summary
When we first thought about creating the International Growth Committee, one of the main goals was to help the Secret Network expand its presence into communities that do not speak English as a first or native language. We saw it as an opportunity to not only help us in our pursuit of knowledge but to help others as well better understand the ecosystem that is the Secret Network.
Before I.G.C.
The graphic below depicts a snapshot of May 2021. This snapshot was taken of the pre-existing international communities in Secret Network.
1st Month:
June 2021, the first month that the I.G.C. was operational, proved to be very busy. There was time spent learning the needs and wants from the community in regards to what international communities were already established and which ones could be targeted to start. There was also a large uptick in international community sizes.
Below is a snapshot of May 2021 (Before I.G.C.) compared to June 2021:
This graphic depicts the percentage change between May and June of 2021:
Telegram Channels
Total growth across all channels: 11.9% or 141 members across the board:
2nd Month:
July 2021, the second month of the I.G.C, saw an even higher amount of month-over-month growth than was seen in May vs June. This was mainly due to the communities of Iran, Russia, and the Philippines. July itself has seen 751 new telegram members represented between the existing international communities! Multiple new agents were onboarded and several new communities were started! Overall, July was a very great month for the international growth of Secret Network.
3rd Month:
August 2021 was a very solid month for the I.G.C. Throughout August, we saw growth in almost all of the international communities in the Secret Network! The total percentage of growth that was seen in the international communities in August was about 12%, this was achieved by gaining around 272 new members!
Overall Growth:
The graph below depicts the month-over-month growth in the international communities of Secret Network. The International Growth Committee has had an impact on the Secret Network and those international communities that existed, and those that were newly created. As August comes to a close, the I.G.C. is preparing to submit another on-chain proposal to continue international growth efforts. We are excited to keep serving the community to the best of our ability!
Number of Agents:
- 11 agents onboarded, 2 pending onboarding
Coordinator Positions Filled:
- 2 coordinators are being onboarded from current agents pending funding
Growth of Channels:
- 957 members to 2400+ members in international communities
Number of Channels:
- 11 channels to 20 channels
The number of Translated Articles/Content:
- 10+; More currently in progress
Number of Partnerships:
- Assisted in forming a new Chinese partnership with the Foundation (Kelvin SNAC)
- Polish partnership to create and translate content and grow awareness in that language. Will also assist with PolkaDot and PlasmBridge awareness.
- Currently developing partnership with African Agent to create university awareness groups, translate articles/content (In progress)
- Currently working on a partnership with website owner in India with 500k+ visits a month to post Secret Network materials
During the last 3 months, we have learned that some of our original KPI’s when we first proposed the first International Growth Committee changed dramatically with our needs. Originally, we believed that 4–6 Global Coordinators were needed quickly to manage the program, but our current needs with our agents are only 2–3 for the coming months. Regarding 15 agents, we are currently in discussion with onboarding 2–3 more, but that is taking longer to handle. We also did not expect to find as many teams of people as we did who wanted to form partnerships rather than an agent relationship. This was the case with the Polish team, Kelvin, and will be the case with the Indian website owner.
Overall, we believe that the I.G.C. was a success in what was accomplished in 3 months. We plan on going back to the chain to secure funding for another 3 months of the program. We hope to have your support and we look forward to fostering international growth throughout the Secret ecosystem!
Best Regards,
Dalts & Jeremy S. | International Growth Committee Leads