IGC Monthly Growth Report
May ‘22
May 2022 was an absolute rollercoaster of a month. In this, the unthinkable happened. Terra Luna, due to unfortunate economic circumstances that were exploited, this left Terra virtually worthless. We have seen a large market downturn in the crypto space as a whole and we believe that one of the leading causes of this bear has been the loss of Terra. However, even in a period of downturn, the international communities have come together and proved that tough times make resilient people.
The I.G.C has been hard at work building twitter followings and has a combined amount of over 5,000 followers! Listed below are all of the international twitter accounts that officially represent the I.G.C:
- @igcscrtnetwork
- @Scrt_pilipinas
- @secretnetworkgr
- @secretukrainian
- @scrt_spanish
- @balkanssecret
- @secretnetworkCN
- @SCRTwestafrica
- @scrt_thailand
- @ScrtIndonesia
- @SCRT_india
- @ScrtBangla
- @scrt_german
- @scrt_portuguese
The I.G.C has also accomplished an astounding amount of articles translated with more than +420 articles translated into multiple languages across the globe.
As the I.G.C goes up for another spend proposal, we want to make sure that we are including all of the updates that have been happening. These growth reports are a good overall summary and we are looking to get into the more details of committee updates and achievements in our next on chain proposal!
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If you’d like to join the global agent program, please reach out to Wesley J. or Jeremy S. on Telegram. They are the I.G.C. Committee Leads and they can check to see if there is an opening in the current communities!
We’re always looking for more community members who want to help lead native-language communities for Secret Network Here are our currently active community-led channels: